Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And my wallet sighed in relief....

This last weekend we had a realtor over to give us the break down of what it cost to sell our house. Initially we were a go to sell, then after some thinking the wife decided she did not want to part so easily with our money. Having 10k less than you thought for the next house makes a difference. So we will be staying in our little 1470 sqft home and continue to build equity. Even though this is a victory for now, Diana promises the next house is going to hurt me. For now it is a win win situation. I get to keep a small mortgage, she gets to keep the maid.

All 3 of us have been ill to some degree. When the boy is sick, it is hard on everyone sleep-wise. We probably should have been a little more pro-active in getting him to sleep alone by now, so we are paying the price.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In the beginning

Hello everyone, since I usually have a few spare minutes, I decided to keep everyone up to date with me and mine.

At this point, Gabriel is 6 months old. Hard to believe I am a dad and how much I love the little guy. Being a parent is tough. Get up at 4:30 am, shower, feed the family, drop the kid at daycare and head to work. Get home around 8pm, eat, do the next day's prep work and try to get to sleep by 10:30 am. Between work, family and going back to school, not a lot of time. I am going golfing tomorrow, whoohooo. I will suck, but at least it is a break.

We have decided to sell the house and get a larger one. 1500 sqft, small kitchen, and no usable backyard tells us it will not do with a 2nd child. So I have been in the process of fixing up the house. 1st week- garage door opener. 2nd week-fence . This week-landscaping? or possibly some interior work. Either way, time to make this turd shine.

Been reading my friends blogs and emails recently. The worst part of starting a family is less time and money to visit my friends. Scotty keeps a pretty detailed blog, so I can at least keep up with him and his family. I see Kham and Bill on Xbox occasionally, so usually some mindless chatter. I catch a few email updates from Clan Milani. I even catch some of the adventures of Ben too. But man I miss the days of D&D in the basement. No cares, no responsibilities, good tunes, and lots of Mnt Dew. I feel pretty lucky I have kept track with all my closest friends, having them all at my wedding last year was awesome. All the guys with family's give me a good guide and role models of what kind of father I want to be. The single guys give me a chance to unwind and laugh a bit.

Thats is all for now.